Algorithmic Art

A collection of pieces created with Java and Processing in 2017/18.

Vectorfield with long life particles
Vector Field with long life particles.


The Voronoi diagram is based on the idea of assigning ownership of points in space to their closest seed point, according to some distance function. The Voronoi diagram is the dual of the Delaunay triangulation.

Distance shaded standard voronoi Circle seed points Square distance function voronoi Triangle distance function voronoi Blue circle triangle voronoi Blue circle triangle voronoi 2 Blue circle triangle voronoi 3 rainbow circle triangle voronoi green circle triangle voronoi
Various Voronoi diagrams with different seed point arrangements and distance functions, 2018 (Java, Processing)

Vector Fields

Here are some examples of particles being released onto vector fields. The particles have momentum and the vector fields apply forces. I experimented with various ways to generate vector fields - standard Perlin noise, spirals, bowls, and most interestingly a “Voronoi” vector field where each Voronoi cell is its own small spiral field. I composed these fields together in many of these examples.

Red voronoi vector field
Voronoi noise field gif
Yellow noise vector field
Perlin noise field gif
Perlin noise vector field Voronoi vector field Noise field with circular particle spawn Voronoi field with circular particle spawn Voronoi field with circular particle spawn
Black and white vector fields
Blue vector field with line start Blue vector field 2 with line start Voronoi bowl field Voronoi bowl field Noisy bowl field Noisy bowl field 2 Noisy Swirl field Noisy Swirl field 2 Noisy swirl field 3 Voronoi swirl field Large scale noise field Small scale noise field Voronoi field, center line Voronoi field, short time Voronoi field, medium time Voronoi field, long time
Coloured vector fields
Noise vector field Noise vector field Noise vector field Noise vector field
Vector fields
Blue vector field, 8 angles Pink vector field, 6 angles Yellow vector field, 4 angles Purple vector field, 4 angles Green vector field, 3 angles Pink vector field, 2 angles
Vector fields with constrained angles

Image Derived Vector Fields

Source image Derived vector field
Boids on derived vector field.
Source image Derived vector field
Boids on derived vector field.
Source image Derived vector field
Boids on derived vector field.
Source image Derived vector field
Boids on derived vector field.

Marching Squares

Marching square contour lines Interpolated marching square contour lines Animated marching square contours Animated marching square contours Animated marching square contours Animated interpolated marching square contours Animated interpolated marching square contours Comparison of interpolated and not
Boids on derived vector field.